Posted 8/20/12

A New Guitarist's Best Friend 

Taking this site as a given example, it's clear that there are resources for those learning to play the guitar on the internet, and some of them can be pretty extensive and extremely helpful. Websites, blogs, YouTube channels, ebooks - there are so many formats that will allow someone new to the instrument learn some new songs and skills that it's worth listing a few tips to help you keep track of all the information and training available.

1) Get a YouTube account, become a subscriber.

If you're using YouTube to watch guitar lessons, then make sure you have an account with the site. You may already have one, with playlists and subscriptions featuring everything from live concerts, to funny cats, to
Partypoker tournament coverage. Having an account means you can "sub" (subscribe) to channels, like mine, and have every new video appear in a list for you to watch whenever you want to. Handy, right?

2) Use bookmarks.

Every major browser (Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Mozilla's Firefox and Google's Chrome) comes with a method of bookmarking pages - noting down their location so you can come back to them later. With the ability to use folders in some browsers, you can even organise pages you've saved into lessons, tips, songs, tablature, and so on. Very useful.

3) Be smart with your smartphone.

If you're lucky enough to own a smartphone, then you'll have all sorts of apps that will allow you to take all your guitar-learning tools with you, from tuning apps to a YouTube app for you to hone your skills even if you don't have your PC or laptop screen in front of you.

These are just three ideas, but they should all come in useful as you progress as a guitarist. Just make sure you're using all the tools you can, and you'll find that you'll never run out of things to learn and enjoy


What is the right way to learn?    It's never too late to start.    What is the right age to begin guitar lessons?   

Copyright 2006-2012 Ed Kihm